Your seat is now saved for our upcoming web-class The Truth Behind Meltdowns (theirs and yours): What you Need to Know to Calm Conflict and Create Harmony.
This web-class is going to be chock-full of eye opening strategies that will leave you wondering “where have these been all my mom life?” Take a peek at your inbox and make sure the registration info doesn’t get lost in spam land! If this happens, just drag it into your main inbox so future emails know where to go 🙂
While you’re there, be sure to add sandy@sandyhallcoaching to your contacts so you can get all my best tips and tricks to help you tame your inner Momzilla, get your kids to listen, and create the family of your dreams!
I promise to never spam your inbox (as my kids say – “RUDE!!!!”) or sell your contact information (that’d be sleazy) and you can unsubscribe anytime at the bottom of any email from me (I’d hate to see you go, but won’t hold it against you).
If you haven’t already done so, your next step is to Join the Perfectly Imperfect Parents FB Community where I share all the latest tips, tricks and goodness. Here’s where you can become part of an amazing community of women that support, encourage and understand the REAL CHALLENGES of parenting.
Our kids didn’t come with a manual, welcome to the next best thing 😉
Can’t wait to see you on the web-class!